Thursday, January 8, 2009

Before I go

So I'll be traveling, yet again. Early tomorrow morning I'm getting on a bus and leaving for Khon Kaen. My canadian friend there has a birthday and I'll get to see a few of my other good friends on exchange.

There's an exercise park near my school and the past few days I've been walking around it with my host dad. The other day he taught me all the rude words for foreigners. I know the word for chinese, arab, european, indian and african. Have I mentioned that skin color matters a lot in this country? It made me laugh a little to myself because of how he said them.
He saw an arab man and started talking to himself under his breath. That's when he started to teach me all the words.
I'm pretty sure they're not words I'd say in polite company. Last night, after we finished our walk, we picked up my host brother for dinner. My brother has been sick for awhile, mainly because of a fish bone he got stuck in his throat. The medicine the doctors gave him makes him sleepy. We went to dinner and after dinner Emma and I went to a rotary meeting.

When we got to the hotel, we were fifteen minutes late and the first people there. The bellhop opened up the room for us and gave us some water. After about five minutes, a man came in, asked us if we could speak thai and then told us the meeting had been cancelled.

This happens all the time. We show up for the meetings and nobody is there. Instead of calling my host father back to pick us up, we went to get some DEEP FRIED ICE CREAM in the hotel restaurant. It's horrible for you but amazing. Our Rotary counselor was there and he insisted on paying for us. And that was our night. Exciting, I know.


Taylor said...

See at Rotary meetings the 4 of us just huddle at an end of the table and sit through 3 hours of non-stop talking.

We were invited to a meeting in a different town and you'd think they'd make it a little more exciting. Nope we spent an hour going over financial stuff for the club like how much gas was etc. So thank your lucky stars you had fried icecream yummmmmmy.

Do Thai Rotarians have a fasination with taking too many pictures of the exchange students doing absolutely nothing. (as in sitting at a table looking super bored?) or videos? Chileans have this weird thing about everything being on video, like that rotary metting and for like 5 mintues the camera was on the 4 of us doing nothing but eating...creepy.

If you haven't figured out, I am from Emma's district :) thought you would like a creeper comment!

Jared Stryker said...

Taylor's a creeper haha.

Deep fried ice cream? exactly does that work??

Lioness said...

About the ice-cream...ask emma. She can make it! : )
And Taylor, Creeper comments are always nice.

emmaelizabeth said...

bahahah taylor. it's okay - suzanne creeps your blog too

our rotary meetings [when we have them] are pretty much the same.. except we get fruit.. and a lot of the time we show up and there is a party we didn't know about so we end up doing folk dancing and karaoke :)
and yes - they DO love pictures.. i can't count how many pictures they have of me sleeping

happycarrotbreanna said...

DEEP FRIED ICE CREAM?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEARN TO MAKE IT GIRL!!!!!!!!