Wednesday, November 12, 2008

DAY 102

Loi Kratong Festival.
Watch first... then read.

Loi Krathong festival= day 102 in Thailand.
All of my classes were cancelled today, but my host father still wanted me to go...
I slept in instead. After sleeping in Emma and I met up at the Chah yen shop. We made cookies and met our twin friends Kate and Klao.
The twins handed us a sparkler before we set off for the governer's house (a museum) and said, "for your krathong!"

A Krathong is something that floats along the river. It's made from the banana tree. Emma and I spent the better part of the afternoon making a floating boat out of banana leaves, stalks and flowers. Jing Jing.

Loi krathong festival is a bit like valentines day. You give the krathong to your boyfriend and place it in the river together so that in the next life you will be together. Emma and I went on a search for pupubow (two loi krathong partners). We ended up with our friends Keng and Ood. I was with Keng, but I scared him away. I don't think we will be together in the next life....

Emma and I need to watch out because when there are festivals we get excited about boys. Cute boys from all over the country side show up, especially the "bad" boys, i.e. high school drop outs.
Some of them call out to us first, but Emma and I have such a hard time finding cute boys in school that we say hello to any slightly cute boys (Emma screams across crowds to boys, asking if they have a girlfriend o what their age is... the wrong boys always answer).

I get hit on by the policemen and the mullet boys wearing bomber jackets.

Emma and I decided that for today, we'll be a lesbian couple simply because all the couples came out of the shadows. Every cute boy was attached or too old or too young or too gay or too much of a stalker ( trying to take pictures of us) or too shy.

After much confusion with my host father, waffles, ancient coffee, rotarians with husky puppies and lit up devil horns, emma and I made it home to find my host brother doing laundry for the 5th time this week. Thai people confuse me.


Van Omenomlet said...

God I'd forgotten all about the Loi Kratong song! I fell off a boat that night!

happycarrotbreanna said...

ahh! i love that video! the song is so FUNNY!!!!!!!!