I've gotten so used to this place that it's my home and most of the time everything seems normal, even my alzheimic host grandmother that likes to roll and fold paper all day long.
In an effort to get out of the lazy funk I've been in I asked around to see if I could join the youth rotary yoga group today. I got a call from Khun Joy ( Readers probably don't remember but she's the one with the really handsome sons that took me and emma to the monk's cave on the mountain). Anyway, Khun Joy said if I came to her house at 4 she would take me to the yoga class. So I rode my bike over to her house.
Once there she told me that she wasn't available to take me to the yoga class and so she told her grandson to take me to P'lek's pharmacy. P' lek is a rotarian in the younger club and the yoga classes were once held at her class. So off I went to see P'lek.
Once there I found out that she was busy because she's leaving for Bangkok this evening so she asked her sister to take me.
Her sister wasn't free so decided that instead of driving me there, she'd drive and I'd follow.
When we finally got to the place it hit me that it would have been so much easier if Joy had said that yoga classes were held at the big white building next to the library.
So p'lek's sister and I asked around and it turns out that there wasn't a yoga class after all. Go figure. TIT (this is thailand).
So I rode my bike back home singing along with korean and thai pop songs by bands like silly fools, hangman, big bang and super junior.
15 years ago
I remember Big Bang - didn't they have a hit with Wham Bam from the classic album Ram Mam? And who can forget Super Junior's timeless rendition of the Bulgarian national anthem, still considered by critics to be one of the top 10,000 tracks of 2005.
:) Thai music.
wow...that's persistence! what an amazingly long string of screwups...soon you'll be telling that story to people here and having us rolling on the floor. (kind of reminds me of a lemony snicket plot: a "series of unfortunate events"!)so glad you are so good humored, though I'm sure you must have been very frustrated at the time!
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