So, I had a whole blod written out about how I switched host families and how the political situation doesn't affect me at all... BUT, it got deleted by accident and wouldn't save due to a computer glitch. Basically, I'm too lazy to type it all up again. Instead, here is a brief overview.
Tuesday night I switched host families. Emma came with my old and new host families out to dinner and we had korean barbeque. A korean barbeque is both a barbeque and a soup and my parents probably have pictures of one from my friend Aom's birthday party (remember that? WAY back in august?). My host parents decided to take the group there because it's the only all you can eat buffet in town, that and something very similar called suki (but emma had eaten suki the night before).
Emma and I ended the dinner in fits of giggles and I don't think either of us even know why.
There were lots of jokes about getting fat and eating ice cream. My first host mother thinks I should eat lots of icecream (I've gained 6 pounds... OH the horror). So I had a final farewell scoop of icecream with her and Emma. Emma and I tried to talk to my host brothers but they are both so shy.
The whole group drove out to Ban Klang, the village that I now live at. It's nice and has lots of mango trees. Every morning at 6 o clock a truck drives through the village blasting advertisements and the news, there are also many, many roosters. I've started sleeping with earplugs. This means that I can't hear my alarm though, and my second host mother comes and wakes me up every morning.
It's a twenty minute drive to school every morning and half the time I fall asleep in the car. Today, we left the house at 7 am. I haven't had coffee in three days. We'll see if I lose my coffee addiction.
Yesterday, Mae Thorn (my first host mother) brought me my tea that I had forgotten at her house. She was worried that I wouldn't have my morning and afternoon rooibus. It was sweet.
(yes mom, this is the rooibus you sent me... you think I can find loose leaf tea in Thailand?)
Life is pretty good. I go to school, I take my classes, I go home and I write in my diary, re read a book, maybe watch a movie, and then after dinner, I sleep.
My second host brother (Ping Pong) wants to be a singer. He has requested to hear me play violin.... I might get roped into playing at graduation. Which is fine, as long as I don't have to play pomp and circumstance.
Love to all,
15 years ago
AHAHAHAHAH! i really like that...
Hey did you ever get your violin strings? I wanted to send you money but not sure if you have a paypal account...
Working on a ticket!
Love you, Momxxoo
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