Monday, September 15, 2008

English Camp

I'd like to start off by saying that with the exception of Rob and Sara, YOU PEOPLE are REALLY bad at commenting. My last post has been up for 5 days and nobody has commented. Now I KNOW people have read it. PLEASE, comments (and letters) make my day. So get to it, comment or on wednesday (for those of you with facebook) my blog will be the only note you will see all the way down. I will upload EVERY SINGLE ONE, unless you take the time and comment here. Because I KNOW you'll comment on facebook.

Alright, now that's over with, on to the main point.
Bai See Su Quan. It's the string tying ceremony. I did it for a second time on saturday night and this time have pictures, but am too lazy to upload them. Teachers and students told me they loved me, or wished me good luck, or even that I find a handsome boyfriend, as they tied my strings. I was given so many roses, eggs and a banana leaf dumpling (that's the closest english word there is, they called it banana bread, but it isn't). I'm keeping the strings this time. I think they might make a nice addition to my blazer, along with the feather mask on the back and the fairy wand on the front.

So on friday, I went to the english camp to help out with Emma. I'm pretty sure these children (teenagers really) had never seen a white person their own age. They must think all white people are fat woman and middle aged men because they were so excited to see us.

Emma and I are celebrities here. I should change the title of th eblog to My Life as a Superstar. Thse kiddies not only wanted pictures of us, and with us, they wanted autographs, our names, our skin, to touch our cheeks. They wanted our phone number and our e-mail (BIG MISTAKE) and they wanted us to remember them. Two days later and I get eight phone calls from the same girl. I can't understand a word she says because she doesn't even speak thai. She is speaking another dialect. I handed the phone over to a friend and it turns out her name is Fa. I think, "which one was Fa?"

I have a new friend named Poopey (yes that is actually her name, no, she doesn't think it's funny) and I gave her my cell phone number because I actually liked her. I have six text messages from her. They are all cheesy and they all RHYME! After talking to Emma, it turns out that she got the same messages.

Oh, the aftermath of a great experience.
During the camp I learned so much. I learned a tongue twister in poothai (the strange dialect of the region) and I learned the thai version of the chicken dance, the banana dance, and the row your boat song. Look at Emma's blog and you'll find the chicken dance lyrics. It starts out with "CHICKEN IS DEAD!" There's a lot of bongo drumming involved.

On the last day, we had a closing ceremony for the english camp.
The students one by one, got up, waied to us, and shook our hand. One girl got up the courage to ask if she could hug us and the next thing I know, Emma and I are in the midst of a giant group hug with people fighting to get to the center. Girls are kissing my cheeks and I'm kissing theirs. "Magic Kiss," they say. They all want pictures. I gave over two hundred hugs in thirty minutes. I almost cried from happiness and just from the sheer amount that these girls cared for us after three days together.
"Don't Forget! Don't Forget" they cried.
I'm trying not to.
Because of the huge success that we were, Emma and I are invited to join them on a trip to Chiang Mai in January. We both gleefully accepted the invitation.


Rob and Sara said...

I know what you mean about lack of responses. I used to send out group e-mails from India to a bunch of friends (all of whom had requested I include them) and get very few (if any) responses. I certainly cherished all comments I got!

This year, I'm switching to a blog — which won't improve the response rate, obviously, but it'll be easier for me!

If you switch your reports to Facebook, please remember to Friend me!

And speaking of Facebook, I still have photos up from last year's travels, including some of the kids from the library we've set up (through Rotary) in a so-called slum.

The kids there have had little or no contact with foreigners — actually, little or no contact with adults from outside the slum who are actually nice to them — and we are greeted with amazing enthusiasm and an outpouring of love. And we love them, too!

It's great fun being a celebrity — although it can get old, can be embarrassing, can be downright annoying — but if the recognition is for something you've actually done (like helping teach English, or helping start a library) it feels nice to be appreciated!

But when you're a celebrity just because you're white or tall (heck, even I'm tall in India) or blond (I can scarcely imagine...), and you're sorta a freak of nature to them, it's not always so much fun.

Has your two-boy bike-escort to school helped fend off the cops, postman, honkers, etc.?

Keep writing!

Van Omenomlet said...


I too remember my english camp experience. For one I didn't have to go to school at all for 4 days! I was teaching small children, ages 5 to 8, it was funny, because we would speak in a mix of English and Thai. I thought it was very funny when they called me Ajan Lang, but they couldn't say Lang right. I never experienced the hugging and kissing, because I was male? but I did have excessive handshaking from teenage guys! Hope all is well from you friend!

Jared Stryker said...

I definitely have to do one of these when I get there!

btw thanks for the comment :) (Everybody is RON for RON!)

BK said...

Don't worry, people ARE reading your blog with great interest...I think many people are too shy to post their comments on blogs. They worry that what they say might not read well, etc. And for those who don't make the time, for whatever reason...they are missing out on some great stories!! I read Emma's blog, too. You guys keep it up. What a heartwarming story about the English camp! Love, Momxxoo

emmaelizabeth said...

this morning i got a picture message from poopey

it was a big sun shining with huge rays
and it said GOOD MORNING
i would have really appreciated it if it hadnt been 6 am and i was still sleeping.

btw. i may use your COMMENT ME vibe, from looking at the comments on this page i can see it has had an affect!!

Taylor said...

you get people to comment...
I don't
but they all exclaim how they read it


anyways I actually do read your blog :D

I will have something more interesting to say on the next one.

But my "fanclub" involves girls saying "Taylor I love you" when I play soccer....its odd.

happycarrotbreanna said...

poopey sounds pretty awesome.